written by Mike Teston, Christ in the Smokies committee member and alumnus
A few years ago, after taking a personality inventory, I discovered something about myself: I am a very high risk-taker. That can be good, exciting and adrenaline-pumping at times. But as my coach once pointed out, it could easily get me into trouble.
There have been times when it may have felt a little too risky to my wife and kids. On the other hand, they have also experienced some great learning, stretching, growth-filled times because we took a risk.
As you read this blog, you may be considering attending a Christ in the Smokies’ Passage to Manhood Camp with your son. But at the same time, you may be hearing the risks whisper warnings in your head:
“How can I take the time off?
“What if they ask me to say or do something embarrassing?
“What if my son and I don’t get along?
“We can’t afford it.
“It may be too physical, too far away, too dangerous, too many logistics. . .
“It’s probably too late to sign up anyway.”
My encouragement: There is too much to be gained with your son to let potential risks get in the way! Hundreds of dads and sons have gone before you. Thousands will come behind you. You can do this. And the payoff between you and your son is worth the risk. So go ahead, fill out the application now, get the process started now. And we will see you in a few weeks.