June 15-19, 2025 • Passage to Manhood Camp, North Georgia Mountains – Beginning on Father’s Day!
Each summer, Christ in the Smokies hosts our main event for fathers to welcome their sons into manhood. This four-day event is specifically designed to engage men in daily high-adventure activities—such as white-water rafting, hiking, mountain biking and rock climbing—that bring out manly qualities of courage, determination and humility.
During the evenings, leaders share engaging lessons in what it means to be a man, inspiring sons and fathers to live out authentic Christian manhood. Many of the topics covered in the teaching are illustrated with clips from popular, contemporary movies. Throughout the week, each father is given the opportunity to publicly bless his son. There is also time set aside to share deeply with his son what his own manhood journey has been.
The week culminates with a sacred and moving rite-of-passage ceremony, where each father calls his son up into manhood in the presence of other like-minded men and welcomes him into the community of men.
This camp is uniquely designed for all fathers and sons, and is specifically helpful for young men who are transitioning significant life events such as graduating high school, entering college, entering or changing careers, or getting married.
October 22-26, 2025 • Way of Wisdom, North Georgia Mountains

Way of Wisdom retreat helps men 50+ identify and answer the question “Why am I here?”.
During the evenings, our instructors will facilitate interactive content regarding these seasoned years of the masculine journey with a view towards finishing well. In addition, you will be given tools to assist you to gain understanding of your unique contribution for the days ahead. First 2 days begin with fly fishing instruction -for those who would like to learn or improve upon their existing fly fishing skills. But even more than that it is for those who would like to learn how to better navigate your seasoned time in life.
Maybe you’d prefer a Rocky Mountain experience? Check out Christ in the Rockies in the beautiful mountains of Colorado.
Christ in the Rockies